Nithya was on the panel of examiners for the learning program of Nada Centre for Music Therapy(founded by DR. T.V. Sairam, a pioneer in the field of Indian Music Therapy in Chennai) . She holds a certificate in music therapy from there, and features on their Roll of Honour.
Through her personal spiritual growth process, Nithya has been able to discover and explore the enormous potential of music to heal the mind, and consequently, the body. She is passionate about discovering and imparting simple yet powerful techniques, which use Riyaz methods of Indian Classical music, to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression and also aid in the life long struggle for self awareness . These techniques are complementary to any meditative practice or self-awareness path a person chooses to take and have a calming, centering effect on the person's life, besides having a profoundly positive and direct impact on important body functions like respiration, sleep and voice stability and strength, THE MUSIC VRUKSH TM TECHNIQUE is a compilation of all those tools available in classical music towards the forementioned goals.
Nithya herself has benefitted immensely from these techniques and aspires to employ this approach to help as many people as possible, even if in a small way, to use music to their benefit.
Sound of Silence Meditation
- Om Pranayam
- Exercises for stabilizing Sur and Breath
- Exercises for the voice
- 'Shadaj' Riyaz
- Basic Scale Riyaz
- Ten Thaat Scale Riyaz using the Harmonium
- Raaga Riyaz using Aaroha and Avroha
(Raag Bhoop, Raag Yaman, Raag Bhairav, Raag Hansadhwani etc.) - Thaat, Raag Riyaz using Basic Taals (Teen Taal and Ek Taal)
- Music - Hearing Suggestions